Kamis, 29 April 2010

Contoh Naskah Pidato Kelulusan Sekolah

Naskah Pidato Kelulusan Sekolah

MESSAGE ADDRESS Parting school graduation

Dear Mr. Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, and friends that I love.

First of all let us praise gratitude to God Almighty for His mercy for all on this day we can come together to hold a farewell ceremony school.

The gentlemen who I respect, let me represent my friends to say a few words in the context of this separation.

During the study, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who have taught at this school, which is very good, never favoritism in educating, very patient and tireless in guiding us. Thanks to all the hard work of teachers, we were able to graduate from junior high school.

I hope all teachers assigned to teach at this school can be given good health and happiness always given.

Also for all my friends. It feels hard to part with you all, because we've been together for three years. But still I also pray for my friends all can move on to higher education, both to high school, to CMS, the STM and other educational institutions in order to achieve the ideals that had been imagined.

Finally, I would say success is always made my friends, my prayers with all friends ...

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